5D HIFU Body Lipolysis
Advanced HIFU technology
5D HIFU Body Contouring Lipolysis
Contouring | Fat Reduction | Tightening
What is 5D HIFU Body Contouring Lipolysis?
HIFU Body Lipolysis is the latest non-invasive treatment that uniquely uses High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) to permanently destroy fat cells without harming the skins surface and comes with an added benefit of tightening the skin too.
During a treatment, the high-intensity focussed ultrasound heat targets targeted fat cells at 60-70 degrees, passes through the skin with its use of ultrasound and permanently destroyed fat cells.
5D HIFU Body Lipolysis works on stubborn fat pockets that wont budge with exercise or diet on the abdomen, arms, bra fat, flanks, hips, buttocks, inner and outer thighs areas.
How it works
During a treatment, high-intensity ultrasound energy is focused on the targeted fat, like the way a magnifying glass works. The energy passes through the skin and the targeted fat beneath the surface at 60-70 degrees to permanently destroy the fat cells.
We use different treatment heads with our machine, selected to the depth of the fat, depending on which area we are treating, each treatment includes two passes at two depths to achieve the very best in 5D HIFU technology.
Over the next few weeks & months, the body naturally removes the destroyed fat which is drained to the liver via your natural lymphatic channels and circulation, leaving you with a more contoured and firmer area treated.
Results of 4D HIFU Body Lipolysis
Results may be seen at 1-2 weeks but are usually seen within 4 to 6 weeks, which is the time needed for the body to naturally process and flush away ablated fat cells in the treated area.
Further result of skin tightening can continue up to 3 months after a single treatment, as new collagen and elastin take time to develop.
With any treatment that works on your own body’s natural ability to heal and rejuvenate, results may very from person to person.
Recovery Time
Where this treatment excels is that there is also no downtime so that you can carry on with your day to day routine immediately.
How Safe is HIFU?
HIFU uses safe, time-tested ultrasound, which has been effective in clinical studies and the only FDA cleared non-surgical, non-invasive treatments that are proven to be safe and effective in clinical studies and have had over 450,000 treatments worldwide.
We have personally worked with HIFU since 2016 with our non-surgical facelifting treatments and our clients have loved the results.
Clients FAQ
1. What is the difference between fat freezing and 5D HIFU Contouring?
With more than 10 years fat freezing experience and and 6 years of HIFU experience, we believe that fat freezing can kill more fat cells in one treatment, however fat freezing cannot tighten the skin. This treatment is better suited for people who either have less fat to treat, or are over 40 with a combination of excess fat and loose skin as the skin will tighten and lose fat at the same time, with an overall better result.
2. What areas can be treated with this treatment?
The treatment can be used in many areas of the body including the; Stomach, Thighs -Inner and Outer, Love Handles, Upper Arms, providing there is over 2.6 cm of fat and in the targeted area to be treated on.
2. What happens to the body fat that HIFU Body Lipolysis removes?
Over the next few weeks & months, the body naturally removes the destroyed fat which is drained to the liver via your natural lymphatic channels and circulation.
3. Will the fat that has been treated return?
No, the fat cells that are removed through the treatment will not come back, because adults have a limited number of fat cells, whatever is gone will not regenerate. However, the remaining fat cells still can expand and contract, increase in size and decrease in size, depending on many factors such as diet, exercise, genetics, age and use of medications.
4. Is the treatment painful?
Some clients experience tiny amounts of tingling, prickling, or warm sensations but these vary in severity and depending on fat thickness and the area to be treated. Some areas are not sensitive at all. Because pain varies between clients, we do prepare our clients to expect more discomfort due to the destruction of fat cells and the generated heat. Generally, there is minimal pain during this treatment.
5. What are the main contraindications for HIFI Body Lipolysis?
Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding cannot undergo this treatment. You must also be of 18 years of age. In addition, you cannot have a hernia of any kind, skin infections or conditions, recent surgery or scar tissue, especially those who get keloid scarring or wounds in the treatment areas.
You must not be on blood thinners, anti-epieptic, ant-depressants or anti-psychotic medication.
And you can not have this treatment if mechanical or metal implants, implanted electrical devices such as pacemakers or metal implants.
7. How many Treatments will I need?
We often see great results from one treatment but on Average we recommend 2-4 treatments of 4D HIFU Body Lipolysis at 4 weeks apart or combined with our AlphaShape pro treatments for best results at 2 weeks apart.
Our body sculpting treatments are designed to assist people who have stubborn, subcutaneous fat deposits that they cannot shift with diet and exercise alone.
It is important to note our HIFU Body and AlphaShape Pro treatments are not a weight loss treatment, our treatments do not treat obesity, and does not replace the benefits of a healthy and balanced diet and exercise.
8. Can I resume my normal activity straight after the treatment?
There is no downtime procedure for body fat reduction. Most of the “recovery” happens unnoticed to the client, therefore there is no need to take time off work or stop your usual regime. We do recommend taking care straight after the procedure and of course not to consume any toxins, caffeine, alcohol and cigarettes and drink plenty of water after the procedure.
9. What side-effects can I expect after treatment?
After your treatment, your skin may appear slightly red in areas and this will disappear within 24 hours. Other less common side effects include temporary bruising or numbness that generally subsides naturally as the skin heals.
10. How much can I expect to lose from a single treatment?
Clinical studies and from our own treatment experiences, demonstrate that on average, clients lose up to an inch in the waist circumference (for some, this can mean down one dress size). Some clients have been known to lose more, while others achieved less.
Combined with our AlphaShape Sculpting treatment, you will be able to push more results.
We will take before and after pictures, plus measurements to keep a track of your results.
After-Care Guidelines - HIFU Body Lipolysis
After Care Instructions Post Treatment
1. You can return to your normal activities immediately after your procedure without any post treatment restrictions.
2. Avoid exposing your skin to extreme temperatures of heat or cold, and protect your skin with a good quality moisturiser and SPF.
3. Important you up your water intake and stay hydrated after your treatment, Water intake will help speed up the process and flush out your system.
4. Avoid caffeine and alcohol for 48 hours afterwards, even longer if possible for optimal results.
5. We recommend no sun exposure for 24 to 48 hours after the treatment.
6. No strenuous exercise for 24 to 48 hours to reduce any swelling that may have occurred during your treatment.
7. Your normal regime can be followed immediately but avoid using skin products that may cause irritation for 24 to 48 hours afterwards.
8. Please do not have any other form of treatment or therapy until instructed to do so and insure clothing is a loose fit over the areas that have been treated to minimise any discomfort that may be present.
9. Avoid eating high carbs 48 hours after your treatment, to allow you body to detoxify properly, without storing excess carbs that turn into fat. You can increase protein intake to boost the healing (Collagen regeneration) process.
10. Go for a 30 minute walk after each treatment, this will help your body speed up the process.
Your skin may appear flushed at first, but the redness, if any should disappear within a few hours on the day of the treatment. Some clients may experience swelling, tingling or tenderness to the touch, but these are mild and temporary in nature over the next few days to a week. Other, less common post procedural effects may cause temporary minor bruising, or numbness on small areas of skin.
The Skins Appearance Post Treatment
It is normal for the area to be tender and feel stiff immediately after the procedure.
The treated area maybe flushed, reddened and tingly.
Temporarily numbness in the treated area can also occur.
Side-effects are temporary and could cause minor bruising and tenderness.
$999 for one area, which includes fat reduction and skin tightening